Monday, July 10, 2017

Creep Creep Janga at the Lorax Manner

Creep Creep Janga describes their music as heavy stoner blues with wailing vocals, which just happens to be one of my favorite music genres. They were an absolute joy to photograph, due to how passionate they are about their music. It was a pretty chill environment for a house show and it was definitely a fantastic opportunity and experience to photograph them.
Dylan Semons smiling while he rocks out on his guitar

Creep Creep Janga rocking out🤘
Trevor Berecek's bass skills are impressive

Judi Gillis' passionate vocals are pretty evident

Dylan Semon's wonderful guitar playing

Dylan Semons rocking out during one of the last songs

Judi Gillis killing it with her vocals

Dylan Semons hitting all the right notes with Harrison Hertig 

Trevor Berecek playing bass an interesting way while Judi Gillis passionately sings

Dylan Semon's rad guitar + guitar skils

Judi Gillis enjoying one of their last songs

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