Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Alan Aslan of the Heads Up

I have so many fantastic photos of Alan that I decided I should make a separate blog post dedicated to him and his exquisite guitar playing. Alan is also a really fantastic person and I'm really glad I had a couple opportunities to photograph him. His passion for music will take him far in his life and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for him.
Alan passionately singing

They say photos are worth a thousand words; I could write that many about this photo, but I won't.
Alan interacting with a headbanging audience member

The gig was kind of a sweaty one, but the best house shows usually are

Alan was constantly smiling or laughing the entire performance 

Alan's various facial expressions make photographing him a fun time

Alan rocking out on his guitar while August King plays keyboard with a pigs head mask on

Alan rocking out during one of the very last songs the Heads Up ever performed

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Heads Up Last Show🤘

I'm so grateful to be given the opportunity to photograph the Heads Up very last show. These five individuals are incredibly passionate musicians who will achieve great things throughout their lives. I can't wait to hear about the wild and crazy things they'll have accomplished within the next few years. This blog post consists of my favorite photos of the band intermixed with my favorite photos from the audience, so I'll let the photos speak for themselves.
David McKean and Quin Wise tearing it up during the first song
Sarah Northrop enjoying the last song

Alan Aslan rocking out

There was so much headbanging and hair everywhere in the audience

Zack Moore playing bass

I may have complimented her outfit about five minutes before taking this. Good karma?

Alan Aslan's beautiful guitar playing

Alan jumps into the audience to play a few notes with them

Alan Aslan and Quin Wise passionately singing

David McKean rocking out on drums

August King, Zack Moore, David McKean, Quin Wise, Alan Aslan after their last show
Audience members smiling and dancing to the music

Quin Wise's fantastic guitar playing.

Rock on! 🤘

Quin Wise breaking out the slide.

Nick Richardson and other audience members were definitely feeling this song

Alan Aslan and August King rocking out together

This was during their 'last song' right before someone yelled 'PLAY FREEBIRD!' 

August King aka themspeedyfingers living up to his Instagram username

It was definitely a sweaty gig, but the audience didn't seem to mind

Alan Aslan, Zack Moore, David McKean and Quin Wise playing one of their very last songs together

Nick Richardson enjoying the music

August King's speedy fingers attacking his keyboard

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Heads Up at Emeraldfest

The Heads Up performances never cease to amaze me. It's incredible the amount of passion and energy that they're able to bring to each show. I'm also incredibly proud of these photos because I feel like they manage to capture how passionate each of these musicians truly are.
Just look at how passionate Alan is!

David McKean rocking out during sound check

Quin Wise singing about how April has his flask with Zack Moore in the background playing bass

August King using his speedy fingers on the keyboard

Watching musicians get lost in their music is my favorite thing.